Thursday, January 20, 2011

Calling all moms of boys!

Yesterday a good friend of mine came by in desperate need of another hooded towel. As we sat around talking she said, "You need to start having more boy stuff." I told her she was crazy, I had plenty of boy items! Leg warmers, paci clips, towels, loveys... but these are not what she had in mind. She was looking for something almost 'strictly' boy, something that SCREAMS boy. So I ask you, my fans, mothers of boys, what type of items would you like to see for your boys? My friend mentioned ties, maybe in the future. But what kind of ties? Long ties? Bow ties? Button closure? Velcro closure? Or just plain ol' stretchy continuous elastic?


  1. Ohhh ties would be cool! Long ties with either velcro or whatever closure I don't care. And hats. Cool, stylish hats.

  2. The tie shirts are pretty cool. You could use different fabrics. :)

  3. I like the tie shirt idea or newsboy type caps. :)
