As you have worked hard to bring me fans, I have worked hard to bring you some of my favorite products created by amazing people. As a fan you have the chance to win awesome prizes! (I am jealous myself that I don’t get to enter to win!) Participating in this giveaway are 15 sponsors offering more than 25 prizes combined!!!
The ’Fan Appreciation’ giveaway will run from December 15th to 3 a.m. EST December 25th, 2010. Winners will be announced right here on the Lilah Moo blog and on the Lilah Moo fan page at noon on December 25th! (Merry Christmas!!)
Rules & Eligibly:In order to qualify for any of the prizes you must ‘like’ ALL of the sponsor pages, whether you enter for their sponsored prize or not. These great companies took the time to participate in this giveaway and offer an item(s) for free; It’s really the least we can do for them right? <3
Here is the complete list of sponsors with links to their fan pages (links are also on each prize post for the corresponding sponsor):
'Like' Baby K'tan Baby Carrier on Facebook - Click Here!
'Like' Cutiepoops Pocket Cloth Diapers on Facebook - Click Here!
'Like' UME Boutique on Facebook - Click Here!
'Like' The Monkey Shop on Facebook - Click Here!
'Like' Angel Made Scents on Facebook - Click Here!
'Like' CleanB Detergents on Facebook - Click Here!
'Like' StephieMC Designs on Facebook - Click Here!
'Like' ZeeBree Tie Dye and Gifts on Facebook - Click Here!
'Like' The Crafty Mom's on Facebook - Click Here!
'Like' The Cakepop Cottage on Facebook - Click Here!
'Like' Her Royal Fatness on Facebook - Click Here!
'Like' Fluffalumps on Facebook - Click Here!
'Like' Bouncing Woolies on Facebook - Click Here!
'Like' Dee's 31 Gifts on Facebook - Click Here!
'Like' The I Like Book on Facebook - Click Here!
'Like' Yeah Baby Boutique! on Facebook - Click Here!
'Like' Little Nurslings on Facebook - Click Here!
Each prize will be listed in a separate blog post. In order to enter you will leave a comment on the blog post of the prizes you would like to win. There is no limit on how many prizes you may enter to win. By separating the prizes this way, it is my hopes that the fans can choose to enter whichever items they would like to win rather than win a package containing merchandise they can't use! (i.e. winning a princess package when you have 4 boys!)
Winners will be chosen random via at the end of the event.
Additional entries:
You can earn five additional entries for each order placed to ANY of the wonderful sponsors throughout the duration of the giveaway. You may split these additional entries between different posts or post them all on one prize you REALLY want to win. Purchases made before the start of the giveaway do not qualify. Forward your order receipt to for verification. I will the add your extra entries onto the prize(s) of your choosing.
(example - You made a purchase from Cutiepoops that earned you 5 additional entries. You could post 3 of your extra entries on the Baby Ktan prize and post the other 2 entries on the StephieMC prize)
Entry Format:
Each prize post will have a question such as “What item from the Lilah Moo store would you most likely buy?” In the post you will need to post your name, email address and answer to the question so that I can easily contact you if you are the winner. The example below is what your comment should look like -
Jessica Browne
My favorite item from Lilah Moo are the loveys!
This giveaway is open to residents of the US and Canada only.
Giveaway ends December 25, 2010. Merry Christmas and Good luck!!!