Whether you own any dryer balls yet, or not.... never too late to start and you can never have too many! Start cutting your drying time while also cutting your electric bill!
Prize: 2 dryer balls, you choose color and scent!
To Enter: First, 'like' the Fluffalumps Facebook Page then leave ONE comment here to include your name, email address and visit the Fluffalumps Etsy store to let us know what color combination you would like to see stocked in the store :)
ALSO! All Lilah Moo fans will receive a 15% discount at the Fluffalumps Etsy store (or through email) throughout the duration of the giveaway! Just enter the code 'LilahMoo' and the amount will be refunded promptly.
fanned on FB
ReplyDeleteKate Brown
I think brown and cream or brown and pink would look good.
Brenda Schirmer
i think teal and brown
Jessica Todd
I think pink and green would be nice and girly.
Tenea Cannon
I think they should do some dryer balls in pink, blue, & brown.
tara elias
ReplyDeletetaraz9 at excite dot com
i didn't see a dryer ball in chocolate brown and lime green
Tannis W
ReplyDeletetannis_z at excite dot com
Olive green and brown
Fanned on FB
ReplyDeleteJessi Jetter
blue, pink and purple!
Zoe Hunter Lee
pink, purple and black
ReplyDeleteJena Porcoro
pink and brown
Sachi Webb
ReplyDeletesacholn at gmail dot com
blue, purple and black would be gorgeous! like a bright blue and bright purple :)
Terre Morton
Lime, purple and pink
amanda alvarado
ReplyDeletetvpg at aol dot com
I'd like to see purple and black or hot pink and brown
Allison McGrady
ReplyDeleteAlleyKatt22 at cfl dot rr dot com
I think Pink and Chocolate brown would be awesome!
Lori Bolden
ReplyDeletetheadventuresofmommyb at gmail dot com
Brown & Purple & of course Pink :)
Elise Hightower
ReplyDeletetwinky2287 at yahoo dot com
Pink with a little brown & brown with a little pink (a pair).
Rachel Leslie
ReplyDeleteprdmilitarywife12 at yahoo dot com
rachelleslie12 FB
purple, blue and green
Maria Baldwin
ReplyDeletemnbaldwin at bsu dot edu
Chocolate and ivory would be a good combo!
Jessica McWilliams
I think a Lime Green, Purple and Black would be cool, or a Lime Green and Black combo...my husband would love them for the Arctic Cat Colors.
Nicole Vosburgh
My favorite color combo would be teal and brown. Maybe with a little cream mixed in as well!
Facebook Fanned @Alisha Lesage
ReplyDeleteI would love to see a Black/White/Red Combo :)
bakergurl02 @ yahoo.com
Amanda Cook
I really like the colors you have! Maybe a fall colored mix?
Wendy Lohr
ReplyDeletedibz a t hotmail d ot co m
chocolate and pink
ambra williams
ReplyDeletefloofypoof at gmail dot com
hot pink and vivid purple!
I think brown and green and purple and green and brown and blue! those are my favorite colors matched for my kids!
Valerie Peace
ReplyDeletevalsreviews at gmail dot com
I would like to see brown and pink
Dani Howell Liddicoat
i vote for greens and purples! i love the mixed color combos! <3
Gladys Parker
I like plain white
Gladys Parker
white unscented
Erica Bernholt
I would like the chocolate and pink
April Nantz
ReplyDeletefan on FB
april at purecleanb dot com
I'd love to see some dryer balls that are super colorful. One with all of the colors of the rainbow would be fantastic. The more colorful, the better if you ask me! :0)
Libby Hunt
ReplyDeletelibby dot bloom dot hunt at gmail dot com
chocolate and mint green
Aileen Murphy
red and purple
Cheyenne Wilson Smith
I think pink and brown would be nice
Colleen Maurina
ReplyDeletecolljerr at comcast dot net
My favorite color combination is purple, blue and green!
Kathy Schwartzentruber
ReplyDeletekathyschwartzentruber at hotmail dot com
I love chocolate and sage green together. :)
Sabrina Radke
ReplyDeletesradke1024 at gmail dot com
A green/brown/orange fall mix would be pretty!
April Gilbertson
I'd love to see chocolate with baby blue.
Melissa Roach
ReplyDeletemelissaroach at comcast dot net
I think lime green & hot pink :)
Amanda Bohrer Coburn
I love neutral colors so I think a brown green mix would be great
Stacie Leatherberry
ReplyDeletesleatherberry at gmail dot com
I would love to see Pink, Teal and Purple combo!
Emily Blewett
I think purple and lime green would be fun!
stephanie-jean w
ReplyDeletelifesemicrunchy at gmail dot com
Lime Green, Bright Pink and brown
Renee Wapniewski
ReplyDeletewittlewun at aol dot com
blue and green
Amber Bode
ReplyDeleteambode1 at gmail dot com
lime green and pink with a little white would be cute!
Jennifer Johnson
brown and pink
Jenny Stamos
black, blue and silver
FB like under Angie Dunlap Kelly
ReplyDeleteangiedkelly at gmail dot com
Would love a combo of lavendar and lilac and other purples.
Jessica S King
ReplyDeleteSweet20j at Yahoo dot Com
Pepto Pink & Spring Green!
janis rogers
hot pink/ black