Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Think you can't afford to cloth diaper? Think again!

Recently I read a FANTASTIC blog post on the Fluff Envy blog. I was once one of those women who wanted to try cloth diapering but after thinking of all the expenses, the idea was tossed aside because it would be too expensive to get started. You know how they say 'Two heads are better than one"? Sometimes other people think of something that you didn't. After reading this article it was almost like DUH! Why didn't I think of that! I was fortunate enough to find great deals on used diapers and I kind of dove into cloth diapering on a whim once I decided I didn't care about the initial cost. Had I read this post before time, I would have started a LONG time ago!

For any of you mommas that are on the fence due to the 'cost' cloth diapering, please take a few minutes to read what she has written. Even those of you that DO cloth diaper should read it, I know I plan to use this information for other moms who express an interest to me to get started. Seeing a break down of cost like this really helps see how possible it really is :)

You can read the aforementioned blog post from Fluff Envy here!

You could also visit the Fluff Envy fan page and send her some love. This page is a wealth of knowledge with so many helpful moms. I use this page frequently for help regarding cloth diapering!

1 comment:

  1. This is exactly what my daughter is doing except I started her with second hand.
